I have been teaching for 10 years, but there is ALWAYS room to grow, improve, and learn! This is one of the reasons I enjoy teaching :)
Here are some of MY goals for this year (as I embark on a NEW adventure going from Kindergarten to 5th grade... yikes..LOL - this was MY decision after all *what was I thinking*...haha)
Personal - It is always my goal to walk more closely to Christ. Through reading God's word, I am who I am and am very grateful that He saved me!!! I want to read more of the Bible, pray more deeply and walk more closely to my Heavenly Father:)
Organization - Folks tell me I am pretty organized... I am not always so sure..LOL!! Last year, I went through all my Kindergarten files and aligned them to the CCGPS. I now have the lovely job of creating the same thing for 5th grade! It makes sense for me to file things this way!!!
Planning - A colleague and I have met twice and mapped out a good bit of our first unit. My goal is to take "One day at a time"... sweet Jesus (have you ever heard that song?...LOL)!! I am learning a new grade level, so I am not going to stress.. I am simply going to take it slow and learn more and more each day!
Professional - There are a lot of things I would like to do (one of them is going through the Lucy Calkins books - which will be part of my professional learning this year). I want to hold off on going into a lot of detail with that just yet, as I am getting my feet wet this year. I will love to incorporate what I learn this year through the PL into next year's units. For this reason.... I would like to get more familiar with the 5th grade standards, so I plan to use lots of LOTS - Language of the Standards. :)
Students - I pray that I can be a role model for these children. I want to build positive relationships through trust and also make learning as fun as possible!! I want them to know that learning can be a life-long tool!
Motto - I always tell me students that they need to "Be the best YOU, YOU can be!" If nothing else, you need to give something your all, your best... That is all that I can ask of them!!